Sul magazine polacco Ferment e sul portale on line Winicjatywa, riferimenti fondamentali per tutti i winelover polacchi e non solo, Slawomir Sochaj compie un interessante viaggio tra visite in cantine e assaggi in occasione della scorsa Anteprima Sagrantino


On the Polish magazine Ferment and on the online portal Winicjatywa, fundamental references for all Polish winelovers and beyond, Slawomir Sochaj makes an interesting journey between visits to cellars and tastings in the last Sagrantino Preview

On the web at the address

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Sul magazine polacco Ferment e sul portale on line Winicjatywa, riferimenti fondamentali per tutti i winelover polacchi e non solo, Slawomir Sochaj compie un interessante viaggio tra visite in cantine e assaggi in occasione della scorsa Anteprima Sagrantino


On the Polish magazine Ferment and on the online portal Winicjatywa, fundamental references for all Polish winelovers and beyond, Slawomir Sochaj makes an interesting journey between visits to cellars and tastings in the last Sagrantino Preview

On the web at the address

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Native Grapes tell the story of the land upon which they’re cultivated, and of the people who grow them. Susan Hulme MW presents the south of Italy and its scenic islands through a dozen varietis  originating in its hills, coasts, volcanoes and valleys

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I Montefalco Rosso selezionati da Karina Sogoya dopo gli assaggi alla scorsa Anteprima Sagrantino presentati sul magazine russo on line SpazioVino

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