“Umbria is a treasure hidden in plain sight— but it’s there, waiting. Bordering Tuscany, Lazio and Le Marche, this part of Italy rewards travelers with space to breathe and plenty of enticements. While many people encounter Umbria on the train from Rome to Florence, there is much to discover when traveling off the main lines” Continue reading

Il Trebbiano Spoletino su Tg Rai 2 nella rubrica Eat Parade a cura di Bruno Gambacorta. Continue reading

“Das malerische Städtchen Montefalco hat den Weinen aid der Umgebung seinen Namen verliehen. Zum einen als DOC – Rosso auf Sangiovese Basis, zum anderen als reinsoriger DOCG aus der tannenreichen Sagrentintino Traube. Wenn deren Bändigung gelegt, darf man sich über große, lagerfähig Rotwein freuen, die bei uns noch weitgehend unbekannt sind” Continua a leggere qui […]

“On the narrow “boot” of Italy, at least the part that protrudes into the Mediterranean, there exists one and only one fully landlocked province. There, in the middle of the boot, sits Umbria, with no coastline to speak of. Named after the ancient Umbri tribes that pre-dated the Roman empire, it doesn’t get a lot […]