MONTEFALCO (PERUGIA) – Cinque Stelle, ovvero “annata eccezionale”. 95/100 è la valutazione dell’annata 2019 del Montefalco Sagrantino Docg presentata in occasione di “A Montefalco”, la nuova versione di Anteprima Sagrantino che dall’edizione appena conclusa dell’evento promosso e organizzato dal Consorzio Tutela Vini Montefalco cambia il concept e naming, racchiudendo il senso di quello che oggi […]

“Fantastic Vinitaly masterclass of Campania’s volcanic red wines held in the Campania pavilion I was honoured to co-guide in the company of Nicola Caputo, agriculture assessor of the Campania region, the Italian AIS sommeliers brilliantly led by Franco De Luca, and some of my favourite producers/wineries (Cantina degli Astroni, D’Ambra, Donnachiara, La Rivolta, Montevetrano, Reale, […]

“Puglia has always been one of the most important wine regions of Italy, if only for its size. One of the two most productive wine regions in the country – along with Sicily – Puglia has been able to offer numerous wines at reasonable prices; this is especially true for Primitivo and Negroamaro from the […]

Il Consorzio Tutela Vini Montefalco dice no alle etichette allarmistiche che l’Europa vorrebbe imporre anche in Italia e aderisce a Wine in Moderation, il principale programma di responsabilità sociale del settore vinicolo, un programma che offre ai professionisti del vino le informazioni e gli strumenti per presentare il vino in maniera responsabile ed ispirare i […]

“Falanghina is one of the most delicious white wines of Italy, or anywhere for that matter, but until recently, it wasn’t greatly appreciated. Today, thanks to renewed work in the vineyards – and to some extent the cellars – Falanghina has gained a new popularity, first and foremost as an appealing white wine that is […]
“Falanghina is one of the most delicious white wines of Italy, or anywhere for that matter, but until recently, it wasn’t greatly appreciated”. Continua a leggere qui l’articolo di Tom Hyland su Forbes